Make The Most Out of Your Transworld's Buyer Match Program Profile!

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We add new listings to the marketplace daily and want to make sure you get notified immediately when the right business becomes available. With our Buyer Match program, you receive an email as soon as a new listing that meets your personal business preferences hits the market.

At the same time, we want to make sure you get the right number of businesses to review.   Not too many, not too few.    Therefore, we made five different business preferences that will narrow down your results and save your email inbox.  Follow these tips for setting up your preferences:

Geographic Preference

  • Choose the state and county you are looking to purchase a business in. Interested in multiple counties or even states? You can choose as many as you would like!  If you leave this blank you will get all areas.     If you are looking worldwide, make sure you have very specific business categories so as not to be overwhelmed.

Business Categories

  • Select the industry and subcategory of your desired business, if there is more than one industry you are interested in, select several. The more categories and subcategories selected the more results you will see.  Again, if you leave it blank, you will be matched to all categories which we do not advise you to do.

Maximum Price

  • Enter the maximum price you are looking for a business. Many of our listings have financing so it is possible to have a higher price with lower money down.  You will not see listings priced above your limit, so use a number above your maximum price.   This is a great tool to weed out businesses that would clearly be out of your financial reach.

Maximum Down Payment

  • The maximum down payment is the max amount of money you can put down to purchase your new business.  Business offers can be structured to your preference when you make an offer.    So again, have a maximum down payment on the high side of what your targeted down payment may be.

Sellers Discretionary Earnings Minimum

  • Enter the minimum earnings you need from your next business.    Putting a number greater than zero will filter out all the businesses that are “asset or liquidation sales”.     A lower number will make sure you see all the businesses that may fit your criteria, so I would make sure you keep this as low as you can.    But if you are only looking for businesses that earn at least 1M, this will make sure you only receive larger engagements.

Login to your account at to update your preferences today!