Managing Director, Aaron Fox Completes the Sale of a Commercial and Residential Landscape Business in Metro-West Boston

Managing Director, Aaron Fox Completes the Sale of a Commercial and Residential Landscape Business in Metro-West Boston

Managing Director, Aaron Fox Completes the Sale of a Commercial and Residential Landscape Business in Metro-West Boston

Boston, United States

September 2021


Transworld Business Advisors of Boston is pleased to announce the successful closing and sale of a Commercial and Residential Landscape Business in the Metro-West Boston area. Aaron’s 15 years of small business and strategic acquisition experience played a major role in making this transaction go smoothly.  Aaron  played a critical role in navigating many parts and relationships with lenders, lawyers, accountants, appraisers, and brokers to ensure  a smooth and successful transaction!

This landscape business has been servicing the Metro-West Boston community for over 10 years with a 5-star reputation which can be attributed to the fantastic team that has been in place. Revenue has consistently grown over the years. The seller was looking to relocate to be closer to family. The buyer was looking at several opportunities and was very excited about this one as it was profitable and offered strong growth potential. The buyer was looking for a business that would benefit from her operations and marketing experience.

Transworld wishes the buyer the best of luck as she starts her new venture. We also congratulate the seller as they relocate and move closer to family. Applauds to Aaron Fox on another successful sale!