In 2023, we embarked on an exciting journey with the seller of a Pest Control Business, aiming to find the perfect buyer for his esteemed business. Over the next several months, our team worked diligently, engaging with numerous potential buyers, and generating substantial interest. Despite the high demand, finding the ideal match took time.

Our proactive approach led us to collaborate closely with the seller’s wife and the entire family. Building a strong relationship with all of them allowed us to understand their unique needs and preferences, while building a strong relationship and trust.  Recognizing the potential for a more significant opportunity, we reached out to a prominent institutional buyer—an established corporation within the same industry.

In March 2024, the buyer visited Cincinnati in person to meet with the sellers. The meeting proved to be a turning point, as both parties quickly developed a strong rapport. This connection led to a formal offer, which we skillfully negotiated to reach favorable terms for both sides.

After months of meticulous negotiation, collaboration, and communication, we successfully brought the deal to a close.  The subsequent transition has been very smooth, with all existing employees remaining with the company and expressing their satisfaction with the new ownership. Both the buyers and sellers are delighted with the outcome, affirming that this was indeed a great deal for some truly wonderful people.