Starting a Small Business Checklist

For some, spending their career working to help expand a corporation is ideal. They appreciate not being in charge or having the responsibility over operations or employees. But for others, they dream of working for themselves, starting a small business, watching it grow, and facing the exciting challenges and wins entrepreneurs face. If you fall into the latter category and have begun to explore

Social Media Ideas for Small Businesses

There is no denying the importance of social media in business today. Anyone looking for social media ideas for small businesses needs to take advantage of market research and industry trends to expand their reach. But what are the most effective ways to use social media to benefit the economic growth of your company? Let’s explore how to develop a business effectively with the assistance of

The Future of Business Brokerage: Emerging Trends and Opportunities

Business brokerage firms are integral when it comes to buying and selling a business. They facilitate the process by valuing businesses, identifying potential buyers or sellers, negotiating deals, and establishing legal and financial compliance throughout, ensuring that the process goes smoothly and provides the best value. Staying updated with emerging business trends is crucial for business adv

Evaluating Potential Buyers

Thinking of selling your business? It’s a big decision, but it is a pivotal first step toward realizing the next step in your career, whether that means retirement or starting another venture. No doubt, you’ve spent considerable time weighing the pros and cons. Selling a business is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and a keen understanding o

Building Relationships with Clients: The Importance of Trust and Communication in Business Brokerage

Trust and communication are essential no matter what kind of relationship you are in—business or otherwise. They are the cornerstones of building successful client relationships in business brokerage. But knowing you need trust and communication is not the same as having them. Here are some tips on developing these qualities to build a healthy partnership.  Steps to building client rel

Maximizing Value for Your Business Sale

Essential Business Development Strategies for Business Owners Maximizing your business’s value before a sale is essential. But that doesn’t happen without a little effort. That is why strategic financial planning matters. It enables you to present your company to potential buyers in the best possible light. By meticulously organizing your business sale in advance, reviewing your finan

The Top Trends in Buying and Selling Businesses in 2024

In the dynamic landscape of business ownership, staying ahead of trends is crucial. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, understanding the current market trends can significantly impact your success. If you are looking to improve your entrepreneurial skills in the coming months, there are some key trends you should be aware of that are shaping the buying and sellin

Leveraging Social Media to Attract Buyers for Your Business

Social media is here to stay, and it’s vital that businesses harness its power to stay ahead, especially when it comes to selling their companies. According to Statista, over 4.59 billion people were using social media worldwide in 2022, more than half of the 7.95 billion inhabitants at the time. That number is projected to increase to almost six billion in 2027. Social media is a highly eff

Understanding the Role of Technology in Modern Business Brokerage

From the wheel to the steam engine to computers, technology continues to evolve and shift how we live our lives. The speed and power of computers have doubled about every two years over the last 60 years, which has enabled us to go from computers to go from weighing 30 tons and taking up 1,800 square feet of space to the world’s current smallest complete, operational computer that measu

Timing the Market: When Is the Best Time to Sell Your Business?

You’ve spent years building and growing your business. You’ve dedicated so much of your time and energy to ensuring its success, but it can be challenging to determine when the best time is to sell. People sell businesses for a variety of reasons. When preparing a plan for selling your business, it’s a good idea to be straightforward and honest about what it would take to prepare

Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Small Business

You know how to operate your business, and you’ve built it into a very successful enterprise. Congratulations! However, the time has come to move on, whether it is for a new challenge or to kick back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. No matter the reason, you are ready to sell. However, too many small business owners mistake the knowledge they have accrued running their business as giving

Valuing Your Business: How Business Brokers Determine Worth

When the decision has been made to sell your business, the next step is perhaps the most crucial of all: determining the value of your business. There are several ways this can be done, but it isn’t an exact science. For that reason, it is essential that you seek out a trained broker to help you determine how much your business is worth. But don’t expect that broker to tell you everyt

How to Reduce Owner Dependence When Selling

Many business owners may think that the tough part is over once they make the call to sell their business. While there’s no doubt that decision can be hard, there is still work to be done. Owners must adapt their business environment to continue running without them. Working with an experienced broker can make all the difference as a company shifts towards new leadership.   Thinki

How to find the best advisor when selling your business

Do-it-yourself home repairs have definitely had their moment in the sun. But for anyone that has paid attention to that trend, it quickly became apparent that having an expert remodel a home offered a considerable advantage in terms of the quality of the work. The same holds true when it comes to other big tasks, such as selling your business. Sure, no one knows the ins and outs of your business b

The Rise of Recession-proof Businesses

During the last 25 years, the U.S. and the world experienced two major economic upheavals. First, the Great Recession from 2007 to 2009 took about ten years to recover from completely. Then there was the financial crisis brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown. As a result, the term “recession-proof” has become quite common — whether among those in busi

Who's Buying and Who's Selling in 2023

As the financial recovery from the pandemic continues, Transworld’s Main Street Market Report found that business acquisitions were up more than 32% from 2021 to 2022. This rebound is great news for buyers, but to fully understand the uptick, let’s drill down into who is currently looking to sell their businesses and which demographics are primed to make a purchase. Who’s Sellin

2023 Main Street Market Report

Selling your business is a big decision. Equally important is finding the right business advisor to help you navigate the process. When you select Transworld our latest Market Report shows you’re choosing the best. Let’s dive into Transworld’s small business transaction activity for 2022 and learn more about what sets Transworld’s business advisors apart. Another historic

How to Choose the Best Deal for You and Your Business

Anyone thinking of selling their business needs to be prepared to negotiate. Why? Because your goals and the buyer’s goals may be the same—to get the best deal—but that doesn’t mean the same thing for both parties. It will take time, and some give and take on both sides to arrive at an optimal deal for everyone involved. Ensuring that you are negotiating from a position of

Properly Package and Market Your Business

How challenging can selling a business be? On the surface, the prospect appears simple. First, you have a business and want to sell it, then you share that information and wait for a buyer. But the reality is both more complicated and more nuanced. Using a broker takes the pressure off you so you can focus on your business operations. Few business owners understand everything involved in selling

Selling Your Business

As a business owner, you have likely spent hours, days, months or even longer agonizing over whether to sell your business. While in a perfect world the hard part would be over, the reality is making the decision to sell is simply the first step in a complicated process. Fortunately, there are ways to simplify the experience. To start, it’s a good idea to have a checklist of what steps to e

Top 5 Reasons to Work with a Business Broker

Whether you’ve spent a lifetime operating your business or have just recently taken the reins, when it comes time to sell, you want the experience to go well. And by going well, people typically mean without a lot of headaches, and, of course, with a tidy profit. Achieving those goals becomes much easier when you enlist the aid and support of an experienced business broker or advisor. Trans

3 Tips for First Time Business Sellers

You’ve made the decision to sell your business. Congrats! There’s no doubt that a lot of stress is wrapped up in deciding to sell, but there’s also a great deal of excitement. As a result, it can be very easy, especially for first-time sellers, to forget that selling a business is a multistep process, requiring careful planning to maximize your potential returns. We’ve got

What's the Difference Between the Listing Price and the Selling Price?

If you’ve ever bought a house, you know that the appraised value isn’t what the house typically sells for in the end. It isn’t even what the sellers will use as the listing price in most cases. Most houses sell for a price that is more (or less) than what the seller asked for it. The same holds true for a business being sold. Why aren’t the listing price and the selling pr

How Long Does It Take to Sell a Business

Homebuyers are familiar with the mantra—location, location, location. Well for a business owner looking to sell their business, there’s an equally important phrase to remember—timing, timing, timing. But if you are looking into selling your business, what does that mean for you? And exactly how long will the process take? A main street business can take more than six months t

How Inflation Impacts the Sale of your Small Business

From the pandemic’s supply chain issues to the current worries over rising inflation, many small businesses have been struggling to adapt to the sudden shifts of today’s economy. With inflation in June hitting 9.1%, more than the Dow Jones estimate of 8.8% for the month, more and more businesses are worrying about how exactly inflation has and will impact their business, and if now is

Thinking of Selling Your Beauty or Personal Care Business? What You Need to Know in 2022

How people accessed many personal care experiences changed during the pandemic, but the industry adapted in many ways like by going online with their products or taking a more natural approach. The world has reopened, and beauty-based companies continue to rebound, so you may be asking—is now a good time to sell. Selling a beauty or personal care business is not very different than selling

Thinking of Selling Your Construction Business? What You Need to Know in 2022

After a bit of a tough turn during the pandemic, the construction industry has come roaring back to life. Demand is growing, with an increase of almost 9% anticipated for 2022 for this industry segment within the U.S. market. While supply chain disruptions and shortages of skilled workers may be continuing to cause hiccups for some, the overall outlook is very positive, particularly in terms of i

Thinking of Selling Your Health Care Business or Practice? What You Need to Know in 2022

Health care is an industry that is constantly growing and evolving as new technologies and discoveries change treatments and care. This reality is truer than ever as the world has seen during the recent COVID-19 health care crisis. If you are looking to sell your health care business, the conditions may be better than ever. Why? Well, health care is a fast-growing industry. The demand for health

Thinking of Selling Your Cleaning Service? What You Need to Know in 2022

Americans started 2021 by cleaning house—literally. The COVID-19 pandemic kick-started worldwide hygiene awareness and majorly boosted demand for cleaning businesses. It wasn’t just about safety—it was about peace of mind. Residential cleaners, maids, janitors, and other sanitation professionals suddenly found themselves booked solid, with no end in sight. Today, in 2022, cleanin

Thinking of Selling Your Restaurant? What You Need to Know in 2022

If you’ve been following the news over the last few years, you know that business sales are up—way up—for certain industries, including restaurants. And if you’re like many restaurant owners, you’ve been thinking about selling your business, too. It’s easy to see why. Record-setting sales (both in terms of speed and profit) in 2021 proved restaurants are in hig

How Quickly Can I (or Should I) Sell My Business?

In a perfect world, every entrepreneur would have ample time to prepare their business for sale. It’s a long, often complex process that demands our full attention—and ideally, assistance from professional brokers. After all, there are many, many factors to consider: Why am I selling? Is the market ideal? Do I have my legal and financial ducks in a row? (And more.) That being said, th

Business Trends to Look Out for in 2022

Thinking of selling your business in 2022? Give yourself an edge—read up on what we learned in 2021. 2021 was a year of unpredictable firsts for business owners and entrepreneurs. Nothing we learned in 2020 could have prepared America for pandemic shutdowns. Many small operations had to quickly pivot, improvise, and adapt to a world that changed overnight. But now, with a swiftly recoverin

How to Identify Trustworthy Buyers

For many entrepreneurs, selling a business is about more than money—it’s about passing down a legacy. After years of hard work, it’s only natural to want to see your creation in the hands of someone who shares your passion. However, finding that perfect “someone” can be a challenge. Not everyone that can buy your business should buy your business. As veteran brokers,

Fees and Expenses to Expect When Selling a Business

When you sell your business, you expect to make money—not spend it. But as the saying goes, you have to spend money to make money. The question is, how much? The answer isn’t always clear. However, most brokers agree that a certain amount of due diligence is necessary when preparing a business for sale. That means retaining qualified professionals to look over your books, guide you th

Pros and Cons of Selling your Business Without a Broker

Are you ready to sell your business, but still on the fence about using a broker? You’re not alone. Many business owners, especially first-time sellers, feel compelled to DIY the process, thinking it will save them time and money. Selling your business can be a long process with many tedious steps. An experienced business brokerage (plus the valuable resources they bring to the table) can m

How to Find the Right Buyer When Selling your Small Business

Finding the right buyer for your business goes beyond getting the highest offer possible. As a seller, you're looking for the most qualified buyer that best aligns with your values. After years of building your business, it’s natural to want a big payoff. But there are other factors, like preserving your legacy or maintaining the integrity of your company, that matter too.   Add value

3 Questions you Should Ask Before Hiring a Business Broker

If you decided to sell your business, you now have two options: Do-It-Yourself or work with a business broker. In today’s climate, it takes a lot more than just sticking a for-sale sign in your window. The truth is, as a business owner, your time is better spent running your company; not dealing with prospects or negotiating deals. Hiring a broker may be your ideal option if you want to

What's the Best Way to Sell Your Business in 2021?

Over the past year, many owners have been working hard to keep their businesses afloat. At times, having to reinvent or resize their company to stay competitive amidst the pandemic. Now, as things are turning around, you may be asking yourself, Should I sell my business? As valuations continue to go up, and buyers remain eager to spend their money, it’s prompting to be a big year for bus

What Happens to Cash When Selling a Business?

Money can be considered a taboo topic of conversation in some circles. As a rule of thumb, you do not speak about salaries, debt, or the cost of your most recent vacation with friends or family, do you? We understand that, but when it comes to selling a business, we need to talk about money, and more specifically, cash. What is cash and how does it affect your business when you are selling it? Wh

Finding the Right Business to Buy

A lot has certainly changed since this time last year, therefore, inevitably so have the markets. And maybe you have decided it’s time to own your own business and do what you’ve been putting off for years. As a potential buyer or entrepreneur, it is important to understand which industries you might be interested in, what types of businesses find success in your area, etc. in order to

Celebrating The Deal Board Podcast

We’re celebrating a great milestone – and we want you to join us. We are getting ready to host our 100th episode of The Deal Board Podcast. While the world looks a little different since we first launched our podcast back in October 2018, one thing has remained the same: The excitement of doing good deals for good people and connecting buyers with sellers in communities across the coun

Can I Sell My Closed Business?

The market has experienced one of the most sudden and, for some, catastrophic economic declines in our history. There is no shame in feeling a little bit like you are between a rock and a hard place – having to decide whether to possibly close a business or sell a business. The important fact is, this is not a reflection of you, your work ethic, professionalism, or entrepreneurship. In fact,

How to Value Your Company After COVID - It May Not Be As Difficult As You Think

It is officially 2021, and what was quite possibly the most challenging year for your company is behind us. The effects of COVID-19 are still apparent as the pandemic continues to claim lives in high numbers every day. Effective vaccines are giving us hope for significant improvement in the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2021. What does this mean for you or your business? Inevitably, because many small b

Ways to Increase Your Small Business's Value

2020 has been a difficult year for many, but particularly for small business owners. When states shut down, shoppers were forced to rely on Internet shopping and curbside pickups or delivery. If your small business could not provide either of those options, you inevitably suffered. Thankfully, we have moved past this point, and you have likely learned how to adjust to this new normal. As we close

Make the most out of your Transworld's Buyer Match program profile!

We add new listings to the marketplace daily and want to make sure you get notified immediately when the right business becomes available. With our Buyer Match program, you receive an email as soon as a new listing that meets your personal business preferences hits the market. At the same time, we want to make sure you get the right number of businesses to review.   Not too many, not to

Strategies for Adding Value to Small Companies Over Time

Now more than ever, we want to figure out how to make our businesses more valuable. With small businesses being affected the most during the COVID-19 crisis, strategies for adding value are vital, and also very possible. Let’s take a look at some changes you can make to increase value in your small company long-term. Instant Gratification: Faster Service & Faster Delivery In the age of

Valuations in Small Companies: Why They're Important & How to Increase the Value of Your Business

To sell your small business, there are some very crucial steps to take before the listing. For one, it is very important to understand your business’s value in the marketplace.  Obtaining a valuation allows you to thoroughly understand a business’s financials and their value in the marketplace, and give you an understanding of the price at which you should list your business for s

Working with Lawyers to Get Your Deal Closed

Working with Lawyers to Get Your Deal Closed  Randy J. Bring, RA., CBI, CM&AP    In my 20 years as a Business Broker, I have dealt with probably a few hundred attorneys. While they are all different, some great, some certainly less than great, I have learned a few things along the way about working with them. Importantly, I have learned how to create a professional alliance with

Five Reasons Business Brokers Improve Closing Rates

Hiring a business broker may seem complicated and an unnecessary expense to someone who is trying to save money and simplify the sale of their business. Why add more to your long list of to-dos when you have enough going on? Well, the thing is, a business broker is so much more than just an extra set of hands. Studies have shown that working with a broker increases your chances of selling your bus

Steps to Sell Your Business for The Best Price

Are you ready to take the next steps in your career? Are you hoping to sell your business but unsure of where to begin? Follow these simple steps for selling your business for the best price and wherever you need an extra hand, we recommend you reach out to an experienced business broker for guidance.  1.      Business Valuation A business valuation is always the fi

How to Prepare Your Business for a Post-COVID-19 Sale

Did you think we would still be discussing COVID-19 this summer? Some of you knew we’d be in this for a long time, others may have believed the world would normalize by May. Whichever may be the case for you, this pandemic is still very real within our borders and it is affecting our lives and businesses. You don’t need to put on hold all of your plans. Interestingly enough, business s

Factors to Consider When Transferring Your Business to a Family Member

The day will come when you may have to walk away from your business and begin a new chapter of your life. Quite often, businesses are transferred from one family member to another – many times from parent to child. If you have reached that well-deserved retirement, here are factors to consider when transferring your business to a family member.            1. G

Embracing Technology to Boost Your Business

As the owner of any size business – growth is what motivates every financial and marketing decision. Not only is this completely normal, but it is also encouraged. New generations have different interests. What motivates consumers to invest their money is often influenced by the current economic or political climate. For instance, Generation Z is much more concerned about making eco-consciou

Pre-Sale Checklist for Selling Your Business

Be ready this year! View our Pre-Sale Checklist for Selling Your Business Starting fresh in the first quarter is always a perfect time to plan for the coming year. As a small business owner, you might be thinking about selling your business. Whether the reason is early retirement or the desire to invest in a new endeavor, there are definite steps you can take to prepare your business for sale. Co

Small Business Anxieties

Small business owners do not have the cushion of IPOs and board members to fall back on. In fact, many of these businesses do not have million-dollar investors knocking on their doors for the latest advancement in tech. Small business owners are everyday people – with common, everyday anxieties. A new year can often feel like a fresh start, but in some cases, it can feel like the beginnings

Closing the Deal: Understanding What to Expect

The road to reach closing is a long and tedious one. As a seller, working with your broker, you have already gone through business pricing, organizing financial documents, and working on the offering package. After all of that, there is still the process of meeting and negotiating with potential buyers with your broker until you have found the right one. Likewise, as a buyer, you have had to work

Business Sales are on the Rise - What to Expect in the New Year

In order to predict business trends in 2020, one must reflect on the previous year. As we enter into the first months of this new year, let’s take a look at some of the fastest-growing new industries in the United States.  Wind Turbine Installation  Automated Guided Vehicle Manufacturing  Solar Power  Social Networking Platforms  Telehealth Services Peer-to-

Steps to Make Your Business More Appealing to a Buyer

Business ownership is a lot of work whether it’s a salon, a contractor or even a manufacturer. Owners, of course, know that going in. However, when you start your dream business and as you work to grow that business, you rarely give thought of what happens when you decide to sell it.  When getting your business ready to sell, there are a lot of things you need to do legally and financia

Leverage the Linkedin Network to Help Sell Your Business

Your business's social media presence, particularly on LinkedIn, can make your business more attractive to potential buyers through goodwill and branding. We live in the digital age – the era of the Internet and social media. It is rarer now to find a restaurant without Wi-Fi than ones with it. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that businesses are only encouraged to have a social medi

Is the Cannabis Industry Worth Investing In?

Cannabis is an industry that has been relevant for many years but had a generalized focus on medicine. Today, it has been more and more accepted for recreational use. That said, there are two components of the plant that have very different effects on humans - THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). These two components make up two different aspects of the cannabis industry - from recrea

How to Close the Best Deal for Your Business

The thought of selling your business may be daunting. However, understanding the importance of negotiation and having the right team to support you can make all of the difference. Not only can you close the best deal for your business but you can be well on your way to your next project: be it a new business or even retirement. The best deal is one where both you and the buyer feel satisfied and e

How to Modernize Your Bar and Keep Your Customers Happy

The hospitality industry in America is changing, and all the businesses under its wings should. If you need to modernize your bar business and increase the satisfaction of your guests, then there are some trends you need to consider. To start you off, here is a highlight of five key industry trends that you can incorporate into your bar.  1. Technology From robots to virtual and augmented

Why Hiring Small Instagram Influencers Is Good for Your Business

Instagram is constantly growing in numbers – the number of followers and likes, as well as the number of stories and live content. It should come to no surprise that having an Instagram presence for your small business is crucial for growth. However, it can go far beyond your own Instagram page. Hiring small Instagram influencers – referred to as micro-influencers – is good for y

12 Cities with The Highest Small Business Growth

The United States is a very large country where every state can sometimes feel like its own small country. The differences in cultural identity, available resources, and historical integrity means that each state and their corresponding cities are likely to have different thriving industries. Spread out between Oregon, Missouri, Florida, and Texas, the top 12 cities for entrepreneurship have seen

5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in a Blockchain Technology Businesses

As a business owner or entrepreneur, you may have heard of bitcoin. Whether you fully understand what it is or not, the word is used often in every media platform. You may have heard of its strength, fluctuations, and many financial experts claiming it is the future of finance. There is no doubt that whether or not you fully grasp the use or importance of blockchain or bitcoin, that it is worth re

Is 2019 The Year of Entrepreneurship?

The future is digital – actually, the present is digital, and that means businesses with a technological component are becoming more and more popular. Industry experts are calling 2019 the year of entrepreneurship. As a business owner hoping to sell, this just might be the year to do that. As a franchise owner looking for new opportunities, preparing your business for sale could be the best

How to Get the Best Price When Buying a Business

The moment you have found the perfect business to buy, it is time to start the negotiation process. There are strategic steps to take to ensure you are getting the best price. With the guidance of your business broker, buying a business does not have to feel daunting. Consider these five ways to get the best price when buying a business. What are your requirements and limitations as a buyer and

6 Signs That it's Time to Sell Your Business

Arguably, there is never a wrong time to sell your business. There will always be interested buyers – the only caveat is the selling price, depending on the market and the health of your business. However, you may be in a position where you would like to sell sooner rather than later. Here are six signs that it’s time to sell your business. Are you lacking passion? It is not unco

Transworld Business Advisors Ranked A Top Franchise in Entrepreneur Magazine's Highly Competitive Annual Franchise List

Company Named to Top 500 List, Top Franchises for Under $100,000 and Fastest Growing Franchise July 16, 2019 // // WEST PALM BEACH, FLA. - Transworld Business Advisors, the world’s leading Business Brokerage and Franchise Development Company, has been named to Entrepreneur Magazine’s Franchise 500®, and most recently to its Top 100 Franchises under $100,000 an

Transworld Business Advisors: The Prime Source for Business Franchising

"Having worked in the franchising industry for over 25 years, I have witnessed firsthand the powerful impact franchising can have on a business' growth," said Bill Luce, president of Transworld Business Advisors. "As once a small brokerage firm that is now the largest business brokerage franchise in the world, Transworld Business Advisors is a prime example of how franchising can propel a business

How to Evaluate a Business to Buy

As you can imagine, purchasing a business is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. In fact, it is one of the most expensive commitments you will make in your lifetime. Therefore, choosing the right one is important. When you are looking to purchase a business, there are a number of factors to consider before making an offer. The first step, of course, is to think about the industry and

3 Things You Need to Know About Obtaining Funds to Buy A Business

Buying a business often requires you to have the money necessary to complete your acquisition. This can be achieved in a variety of different ways. No matter what method you finally choose to pursue, to be successful you will need to be aware that different sources of capital will have their own priorities. So, to give you the best chance of securing the funding you need, let’s look at thre

6 Things to Know When Reselling a Franchise

There are many benefits to franchising your business or becoming a franchise owner. However, one does not often hear about the next step: reselling a franchise. As an entrepreneur, it is not uncommon to be satisfied with accomplishing one goal and while constantly looking for new challenges. Your franchise business could have been a passion project, but your time to start your next project has arr

5 Best Industries to Buy a Business Right Now

  Not all industries are created equal and not all industries are worth investing in. As the job market improves and unemployment rates drop - to 3.8% in February 2019, to be exact, your next business investment may just be around the corner. You may have your specific interests, your niches, and your curiosities; however, some of those may be more valuable in today’s market than other

Transworld Business Advisors, the world's leading business brokerage and development franchise, celebrated 40 years of service to the business community

Transworld Business Advisors, the world's leading business brokerage and development franchise, celebrated 40 years of service to the business community at its recent conference held in Orlando – attended by more than 200 brokers. "The convention was the single most important event of the year because franchisees from around the world came together to engage, collaborate, and learn best pr

How to Sell Your Business with Transworld Business Advisors

Successfully selling your business is tough, but with the guidance of the experts at Transworld Business Advisors you can get it done!  At Transworld we have detailed and proven steps, to ensure the process stays on track.  You need to continue to run your business to ensure it continues to be profitable, right through the sale date.   Let the professionals at Transworld take

Market Research: What to Look for When Researching a Business to Buy

Following trends is not just about hashtags and designer labels. Market research for entrepreneurs and business owners can make all of the difference when on the hunt for the next big purchase. Market research is conducted to get into the psyche of the consumer - what makes someone more or less inclined to purchase your product or service? Once a business owner understands this, it can improve

Transworld Business Advisors is proud to announce our latest milestone, welcoming our 200th franchisee to our network of business exit experts

Transworld Business Advisors is proud to announce our latest milestone, welcoming our 200th franchisee to our network of business exit experts. With more than 235 territories in 16 countries, Transworld is the world’s leading business brokerage franchise. Read the press release here

How to Assess Goodwill When Buying or Selling a Business

Goodwill, much like it sounds, is a company’s positive reputation. More specifically, business goodwill is an accounting term that describes intangible assets. In essence, a company’s brand name, loyal customer base, good public reputation, and patents, for example. An intangible asset cannot be quantified like sales or property but is just as important in determining a business's va

Considering Selling Your Business? How to Boost Your Company's Value Before Selling

As the saying goes, “never judge a book by its cover.” The same can be said about a business. There are many factors to consider in order to determine the value of a business. It does not merely come down to numbers in a financial statement. If you are considering selling your business sometime in the future, there are a few things you can do to maximize the value of your business.

How a Broker Can Help You Make a Good Impression on a Business Seller

The services of a business broker are, typically, enlisted by the seller. From the seller's perspective this is often a real bargain: a professional business broker will weed out the 'tire kickers' to help find the perfect new owner for the business - one that has the right experience, sufficient money and realistic expectations. From the buyer's perspective, however, the business broker might

How to Buy the Right Business for You

Buying a business is without a doubt a multi-step process. However, the steps do not merely begin at the point of research for businesses for sale or making an offer, but rather, in deciding what kind of business is right for you. There are a number of personal factors to consider when coming to this decision; keep in mind these five factors when picking the right business for you to buy. Lifes

5 Factors that Make Your Business Stand Out When Trying to Sell

Your business may be unique to you but because it belongs to an industry and has competitors, it falls under certain well-known categories. In order to stand out during a sale and get the best offer possible, there are 5 factors to consider. These factors will not only set your business apart, but they are also great guidelines to consider as you begin preparing to sell your business. 1. Strong

Transworld Business Advisors is pleased to name United Franchise Group President, 'JT' Jim Tatem, as newest franchise partner and owner of Transworld Greenville East

Transworld Business Advisors is pleased to name United Franchise Group President, ‘JT’ Jim Tatem, as newest franchise partner and owner of Transworld Greenville East. Read the full press release here.

Buying a Business: Is an SBA Loan Right for You?

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is an agency of the US government that supports entrepreneurs and small businesses. It is the duty of the SBA to “aid, counsel, assist and protect, insofar as is possible, the interests of small business concerns.” A major function of the SBA is partnering with banks, credit unions, and other lenders to provide loans for said entrepreneurs and

Considering Franchising Your Business? Learn How You Can Benefit from Transworld's Franchise Development Program

If your business is successful and there are customers who travel from near and far to visit it, then you may have considered franchising. With numerous benefits for you and aspiring entrepreneurs, it is a profitable and healthy next step for your growing business. At Transworld Business Advisors, we not only support your business endeavors but we have a dedicated program to assist you. The Fr

Selling a Business in 2019: Three Important Things to Keep in Mind

“Selling a Business in 2019: Three Important Things to Keep in Mind”, written by BizBuySell president Bob House – featuring a Transworld mention and a quote from Andy Cagnetta. Transworld Business Advisors CEO Andy Cagnetta weighs in on projected 2019 trends in Inc. article “Selling a Business in 2019: Three Important Things to Keep in Mind”, written by BizBuySell p

5 Negotiation Strategies for Buying a Business

When in the market for a new business, the search can feel long and tiresome. The moment the right business to purchase comes along, the next step is to make an offer. That being said, when buying a business, few would advise you to offer what a seller is asking. A broker might advise you to counteroffer to get the best possible deal. In order to do so, however, you need to do your research to e

How to Prepare Your Business for Sale

Nearly 8,000 small businesses were sold in 2016. That means the process of selling is not unfamiliar to many Americans. However, for someone who may be going through this journey for the first time, it may feel daunting and perhaps even impossible. Do not fret – with the guidance of an experienced business broker and some research, you can find yourself on your way to sign on the dotted line

Choosing a Business Broker to Sell Your Business: 7 Questions to Ask

Selling your business is an important step in your career - almost as important as beginning it. Knowing how and whom to sell your business to is not a process to be taken lightly. Similarly, being in the market for a new business can be tedious. In fact, almost every article you will find online both buyer and seller will argue for hiring a broker because it is a lot to figure out on your own. Th

Own a Business? Have you Prepared Your Exit Strategy?

According to Investopedia, an exit strategy is defined as “[...] an entrepreneur's strategic plan to sell his or her ownership in a company to investors or another company.” An exit strategy gives a business owner the capacity to reduce his/her stake in the business. If a business is successful, the business can make a substantial profit, but if the business is not highly successful, a

Should You Franchise Your Business?

When a local business begins seeing success in not only its location, and niche market, but beyond that, it may consider opening a second shop nearby or perhaps even in the next town over. When the success continues to grow and word of mouth has reached further distances, a franchise is often the most natural and appropriate next step. A franchise is a business that has multiple locations that are

What is Your Business Worth?

In order to determine the worth of a business, there are multiple factors to consider. It goes beyond how much money is made on an annual  basis; in fact, all aspects of its past, present, and future are considered. It can seem daunting to try to calculate this on your own. For this reason, a proper business valuation must be conducted. This is the first step you will need to take when workin

How You Will Benefit from a Business Broker Selling Your Business

Reaching the decision to sell your business is an important one. However, the next big decision is whether to sell it on your own, or with the help of a broker. With many steps and details to consider, there are numerous advantages to having a broker to mediate, guide and close the deal.  1. Valuing your business The moment you have decided to sell your business, you have to begin to p

Breaking a Sale to Your Staff

Selling your business can itself be a daunting prospect, and that’s even before you have to think about how and when to tell your staff, and how they will react.   Change can be unsettling, but if the process of delivering the announcement is properly prepared, it doesn't have to be a negative event.   So, here are some tips on how to handle the situation when you break the ne

8 Benefits of Purchasing a Franchise

A franchise is easily defined as a local storefront of a nation-or state-wide business. This means that as a franchisee, a person owns one of potentially many neighborhood versions of a larger corporation (i.e., McDonald’s, Applebee’s and Signarama). Although there is someone who represents the head of the company in a corporate context, a franchisee owns their business. Once the init

Business Transaction Timeline: The Process of Buying and Selling

Whether you are buying or selling a business, there are several actions that are required from both parties. From establishing the price and starting negotiations to reaching an agreement and writing a check, business transactions have a specific timeline. With reputable expertise to advise buyers and sellers, experienced brokers have perfected the buyer/seller timeline. Here are some easy-to-foll

Transworld Business Advisors Celebrates Impressive Midyear Growth and Global Expansion

Transworld Business Advisors is pleased to announce successful midyear growth. In addition to last year’s 70 new territories, so far in the first half of the year, Transworld has sold 41 territories, including global expansion into New Zealand, Jordan and France. New US Transworld markets include Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi and Washington, D.C.. "We continue to improve upon t

7 Red Flags That Could Be Opportunities When Buying a Business

Buying a business is not a decision you have come to lightly. In fact, the decision to purchase a business is only the beginning of the process. Before signing on any dotted lines, a savvy entrepreneur must do their research. When doing this research, you need to be mindful of certain red flags. However, when researching businesses to purchase keep in mind that some red flags you may see in busine

Everything You Need to Know About Franchising

Franchising in the United States is very popular and lucrative. There are about 800,000 franchise businesses in 120+ industries employing more than 9 million people in the US alone. Franchises provide recognized brand quality and consistency while also allowing consumers to support local business owners. Deciding to franchise your business should come from a desire to expand to multiple locations

How to Sell Your Business to a Competitor

Whether you are looking to retire or pursue business opportunities in a different industry, you may have reached the important decision to sell your business. However, it is very possible that the highest bidder and best buyer is a competitor. When this is the case, Transworld Business Advisors has a few tips for best practices. 1. Ask for a Non-Disclosure Agreement During a sale, a competitor c

5 Signs it’s Time to Sell Your Business

Your business may have been your dream come true. You had a good run, but now you feel more anxious than happy every time you think about it. This might mean it is time to sell your business. The decision to sell will not come easily –– and that is understandable. It is important to accept that selling your business is not a sign of failure, but rather comprehension of your current sta

Steps for Buying a Business

Buying an existing business is often less risky than starting from scratch. The main reason being that the business has already established a customer base, a marketing strategy, employees and cash flow. That being said, the idea of buying a business may seem daunting. Do not let that stop you! There are some clear, and easy steps to follow that can bring you some ease and peace of mind. To be tre

What is a Millennial’s Dream Business?

  Millennials have been given a bad rap over their participation in the job market. Now that this generation are in their 20s and 30s we know what they really want from their careers. They care about social responsibility and they prioritize results over time worked but, most importantly, this is the generation of the ‘side hustle’. Millennials want to start their own business

The Right Business Broker For You: A Checklist

Choosing to sell your business is a big decision but it does not end there. In order to market the sale, find the right buyer and close with ease, you will want to make sure you have done everything possible to expedite the process. With so many important elements to consider, choosing the right business broker is arguably the next most important decision you will make. But how do you know which b

Competitive Advantage: Using Your Company's Unique Attributes for Selling

There are certain intangible assets that have no monetary value if you try to sell them by themselves, but their worth is essential to the market value of a business. In fact, it is assets like these that give your business a competitive advantage over others in your industry. What makes your business different, unique, and special? These are all questions to consider when deciding to sell your b

Selling Your Business: Knowing Your Confidentiality Agreement

When you are negotiating the sale of your business, you do not want anyone other than the buyer to know the details of the deal. In order to avoid information leaking out, it is vital to ensure business sale confidentiality. According to Andrew Cagnetta, CEO of Transworld, “Seller AND buyers want to keep a sale confidential to make sure customers, vendors and employees do not know prior to s

The Top 5 Reasons People Sell Their Business

The fundamental reason a business owner makes the decision to sell a business may not necessarily be for financial reasons, but to free up resources, focus on other priorities or make time for other opportunities.   In this article, we review why owners might decide to sell a business, along with some steps to consider when preparing for the sale. 1. Retirement After years of investing tim

You've Bought a Business, Now What?

Starting your own business can be risky and take years before turning a profit. Generally speaking, buying a business that is already successful, established and profitable at a reasonable price has its advantages. On top of immediate cash flow and avoiding the difficult start-up work, buying a business means you are also buying the existing clients, employees and vendors and have pre-existing goo

When and How to Tell Your Employees and Clients You're Selling Your Business

The decision to sell your business is a big one; it is an important decision likely to affect the lives of many.  As a result, it is crucial to keep the sale and all negotiations for the sale of your company as confidential as possible. Likely to affect your clients, employees, vendors, and competitors, it is best to ensure any positive, or potentially negative, reactions do not affect the fi

Buying a Business: Advice to Guarantee a Smooth Purchase

When you think you have found the right business to buy, the process will begin to get interesting as the excitement kicks in. Because this process can vary slightly for each purchase, it is important to be organized and methodical. You will want to thoroughly investigate all aspects of a business for sale and make certain that the owner’s representations to you about the business are

Why You Shouldn't Sell Your Own Business

As a successful business owner, you have likely spent years developing the skills and expertise to run your company well. Therefore, when the time comes to sell your business, it’s easy to understand why it is best to work with professionals who have spent years perfecting their expertise in selling successful businesses like yours. Rely on the Experts Business owners who try to sell thei

Industries to Watch In 2018

You know what they say: New year, new you. If 2018 is the year you want to pursue your business dreams, look no further than Transworld Business Advisors to help those dreams come true. With years of experience in the franchise industry, Transworld’s professional business advisors have the industry insights and continually build upon their experiences to identify the latest trends. There are

Expanding as a Chain or Franchise: What You Need to Know

Your business is a success so now you are considering expansion. You want to build on your existing strengths and reap the benefits of your hard work. But should you franchise your blueprint for others to follow, or clone your existing business in new locations? Answering that question correctly is the most critical decision you will make. So, here’s a rundown of what you should to take into

Buying a Franchise Resale: What You Need to Know

New year, new you? Resolutions, set. Vision board, done. If your new year’s goals have you wanting to be your own boss, you may be torn between starting your own business or investing in a startup. But setting up a business from scratch and starting with a new concept or idea can involve significant risks. Instead, you may want to consider purchasing an existing franchise resale; this can p

Profitable Industries for Small Business Owners

Any good endeavor starts with a good idea — and the same is true for small businesses. While profit isn't the only factor for a small business owner to consider, it's an important place to start. Other factors to consider include whether the business matches your interests and skills, and what sort of barriers to entry are required such as licensing or training. If this sounds like a lot to

Business Brokers and M&A Advisors: What's the Difference?

Whether you are looking to sell, acquire, or merge, one of our professional Transworld Business Advisors is available to assist you through the process and beyond. At Transworld, we have a mergers and acquisition (M&A) department with a dedicated team of professionals specializing in larger transactions. Depending on the transaction type, you can work with an experienced Transworld Business Brok

Tips for Selling Your Franchise

If you have decided it is time to sell your existing franchise, the experienced brokers at Transworld Business Advisors can help. Transworld has many years of experience working with franchises and we offer a franchise resale program to help you successfully sell your franchise. Our partnership with United Franchise Group means that we have a vast understanding of the franchise business. We kno

Selling Your Business Through Your Strengths

The truth is, no two businesses are alike. Promoting your unique strengths makes your business more valuable and easier to sell? Identifying and maximizing the strengths of your business will not only help run you run profitable company today, but will be part of a targeted marketing strategy should you ever decide to sell your business. There's more than one way to sell a business. As a busine

Goodwill When Buying or Selling a Business

A business's true worth is often far more than the value of its individual parts. When buying or selling a business, goodwill represents the value of the business that is above and beyond the worth of separately identifiable tangible business assets. Unlike physical assets, like buildings or equipment, goodwill is an intangible asset. What Are the Factors that Contribute to the Creation of Busi

How to Determine the Right Time to Sell Your Business

As it is with many things in life, timing is everything — especially when determining the right time to sell your business. Transworld presents the following list of questions that will you help determine if you should sell your business. Consider them carefully and answer them honestly: Am I ready to sell?Do I feel more exhaustion or passion when running the business?Could selling the bu

Why Working With a Business Broker to Sell your Business Matters

Business brokers, also called business transfer agents, or intermediaries, bring many benefits to the table for buyers and sellers as they assist in the process of buying and selling a business. Transworld Business Advisors is a global network of brokers offering a turnkey solution for those that want to build a solid business and future for themselves while maintaining a balanced quality of lif

Selling a Business? How to Avoid Unwanted Delays

It's not unusual for buying or selling a business to feel like an intimidating task. Business owners are often fully focused on business operations and may not have addressed details to maximize the business value. On the other hand, a buyer may be interested in owning a business, but not know where to start. The process can be time-consuming and tedious for both the buyer and the seller. Howeve

Why You Should Buy an Existing Business versus Starting One from Scratch

If you're looking to purchase a business, you should give serious consideration to purchasing an existing business versus starting your own from scratch. When most people think of starting a business, they think of beginning from scratch and developing an idea to build a company from the ground up. However, starting a business from scratch presents many challenges and some distinct disadvantage

5 Steps to Selling Your Business

Selling a business is rarely an easy decision to make and there can be a great deal of complexities involved in the process. Most importantly, before finding a qualified broker to proceed with the transaction, you'll need to take several important preliminary steps to prepare yourself and your business. Timing is Everything Selling requires careful planning and Transworld is here to help. We wi

Franchise Re-Sale Broker: Re-selling Your Existing Franchise

It takes one to know one. And for the past 35 years, nobody has understood the complex needs of a franchise system better than United Franchise Group. And nobody knows the business of buying and selling in the franchise industry better than Transworld Business Advisors, part of United Franchise Group. Franchisors can face unique challenges and as a franchise ourselves, Transworld Business Advis

Selling Your Business? Ensure Confidentiality with These Tips

Confidentiality is an important factor in the successful sale of any business and should be taken seriously. Preserving the value-adding aspects of your business like your customer base, relationships with reliable vendors, experienced employees, and your market share helps you command a good price for your company. A breech in confidentiality can create havoc for a seller trying to sell it for

How To Recognize A Quality Business Broker

A good business broker will find you a reputable buyer and confidently walk you through a complex sale process. This will include helping you to determine a sensible price tag and negotiating a deal to bring a smile to your face. Of course, the tricky part of this strategy is always going to be recognizing a good broker when looking to sell your business. Let's look at a few of the tell-tale si

Who is Today's Business Buyer?

American buying trends reveal a lot about who we are and what's happening in the country. Not only is it important to understand the trends but also the people that are driving the trends. Just as American demographics are changing, so is today's business buyer. Transworld brokers consistently keep their finger on the pulse of today's business market to help our clients become better positioned

5 Important Terms You Need to Know Before Purchasing a Franchise

Every industry has their own language and the industry of buying and selling franchise businesses is no different. Understanding the basic terminology can help get you started on the right foot. Transworld Business Advisors is here to help you every step of the way so let's start with a few commonly used terms. Franchising is a form of business by which the owner of a product or service expands

Franchise Re-Sales: How to Maximize Value for the Sales of Existing Franchise Units

Once you have decided to sell your franchise business, it's essential to understand the steps involved in the process. The good news is that franchisors consider the sales of existing franchises vital to the health and success of the overall franchise system. They know that all franchisees have a life cycle and almost everyone who buys a franchise will at some point want to sell it, according to

Selling Your Business: Determining if a Buyer is a Qualified One

If you own a successful business, chances are good that you will have significant interest from a number of buyers when you decide it is time to sell. While this is very encouraging and exciting, it is important to understand that only a fraction of these potential buyers might actually be qualified to buy your business. It is also important to consider how much information you share about your

Are You Ready to Buy a Business?

Once you have made the important decision to take control of your financial future by buying a business, you are bound to have questions about the purchasing process. Although the process of buying a business can be a bit confusing, answering five key questions even before you start your "Buying a Business Checklist" can help you simplify some issues and make the best choices. Am I ready to be

Confidentiality Hacks: How to keep your business sale a secret

[caption id="attachment_831" align="alignnone" width="992"] Confidentiality Hacks[/caption] A large part of the value of any business is linked with its reputation. However, when an enterprise is put on the market, its good name can be one of the hardest things to protect as the sale process evolves. Rumors may begin to circulate once employees, customers, and suppliers notice a sudden interes

Does Your Business Have M&A Potential?

Know what it takes to qualify for the transactions and how the process works Because we are in a relatively active period for mergers and acquisitions, many business owners wonder if they qualify for consideration by firms pursing those transactions. Research recently completed by KPMG showed that 84% of firms they surveyed planned on completing at least one M&A transaction in 2017, with 75% expe

How to Create a Franchise System

Your success in building a business may at some point cause you to wonder if the next step forward could be creating your own franchise system. Before moving forward, some key vocabulary you will need to understand: Franchisors - a person or company that grants the license to a third party for the conducting of a business under their marksFranchisees - a person or company who is granted the lic

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying a Business

Once you have made the important decision to take control of your financial future by buying a business, you are bound to have questions about the purchasing process. Although the process of buying a business can be a bit confusing, answering five key questions even before you start your ""Buying a Business Checklist"" can help you simplify some issues and make the best choices. How do I decide

Top 5 Myths About Selling a Business

We've debunked the misunderstandings that leave so many sellers woefully unprepared when they put their business on the market.[/caption] When you've never done it before, selling a business can seem a daunting prospect. Though it's not like selling property or an automobile, one principle nevertheless remains the same: if you want a good selling experience, you must take time to understand what t

Killed by Culture: Why Culture Matters in Mergers and Acquisition

Although we often hear about how mergers and acquisitions (M&A) offer companies exceptional growth opportunities, we rarely hear about how well the cultures of the combined companies mesh. That may be because this combination of corporate cultures is often more like a culture clash — and it can result in extremely negative consequences for many businesses unless it is properly addressed at

How Much is My Business Worth? Understanding the Different Standards for Valuating Your Business

Knowing what your business is worth is key to selling it at a profit. Your business valuation is also likely to be the first concern of potential buyers. So how do you properly determine the value of your business? The answer can be complex and somewhat confusing because business valuation is an art, not a science. Valuations are subject to the appraiser's judgment, skill, and quality of method

Profitable Business Industries: 2016's Hot Industries for Growth

If you're considering buying a business, knowing some of the top businesses in 2016 that are growing the fastest can benefit you greatly. Carefully selecting from a list of profitable industries can ensure you choose the right direction that suits your needs and maximizes your profit. Why guess, when you can hold the cards in your hand? Top Industries for Growth in 2016 Internet growth, environm

Is It the Right Time to Sell Your Business? Determining When It's the Right Time to Sell

Determining what is the right time to sell a business can be an emotional process. Investors, employees and relatives who have all contributed to sustaining the business or are depending on the business for their livelihoods can elevate tension when making the final decision to sell. Since 44% of recent buyers look online first to buy, having professional guidance from a business advisor that can

Business Brokers: How to Choose the Right Business Brokerage Firm

Buying or selling a business can be a stressful time. Choosing an adviser to help you through the critical steps in the process is key to a successful transaction. From research to close, it is important to understand what your business broker will do for you, know the costs associated with hiring a broker, and conduct a careful evaluation of their track record and success. What Your Business Br

Business Buyer Personas: Exploring the Different Types of Potential Buyers for Your Business

There are many reasons why people seek to buy businesses. In this article, we outline the three main types of buyers that prospective sellers are likely to encounter: Individual Buyers, Strategic Buyers and Financial Buyers. Since each of these buyer types comes with their own unique interests and behaviors, understanding their personas and motives can help you maximize the value of your busines

Packaging the Sale of Your Business: Making Your Company Marketable in a Crowded Field

When you are packaging your business for sale, the uniqueness of your business makes it more attractive to acquirers. Having unique factors such as a defined brand identity, along with practical qualities. like a dedicated customer base, is hugely beneficial to prospective buyers. Here are some examples of features that make a business stand out from the rest: Brand name A good name can attract

10 Reasons Why You Should Ditch the 9-5 and Buy — Rather Than Start — a Business

From a recognized brand to a proven trading history, find out why an established enterprise is a safer, less stressful route to entrepreneurial success. Is it better to start your own business or buy an existing one? The smart solution is arguably to purchase a proven enterprise and make it your own over time. Here are 10 reasons why doing so it's generally less risky, less stressful and more

Businesses for Sale: How to Find and Buy a Business

There are many search tools available on the web to locate potential businesses for sale. These listings provide a snap shot of the opportunity for the prospective buyer.  Working with a business broker helps potential buyers to not just find an opportunity but also evaluate the right opportunity. Beyond the business listing, here are some core things to look for when evaluating the right busin

Advertise My Business for Sale: How and Where to Market Your Business

Need to advertise that your business is for sale? Even the most successful business owners often lack the experience and time to advertise that their business is for sale while running day-to-day business operations. Fortunately, working with a business broker can help you target and reach potential buyers for your firm while keeping the potential sale of your company confidential. Additionally, w

Considering Selling Your Business? Tips for Keeping Your Potential Sale Confidential

When considering selling your business, it is crucial that the potential sale remains confidential. Having employees, customers and vendors learn of a possible sale can have devastating consequences on the business. For instance, customers may leave, employees may seek out other opportunities and the valuation of your business may decrease. These problems may weaken your bargaining position as you

Company Acquisition Process: What You Need to Know as a Seller

A company acquisition is a great selling option for owners of high-earning, high-growth companies that need more capital or expertise, or simply wish to sell the business to a larger company. Whether your goal is to raise capital for your growing company or find a strategic buyer to complete an acquisition, working with a broker who can guide you through the process is key. Representing yourself i

Owning a Franchise: How to Determine if Owning a Franchise is the Right Fit for You

Owning a franchise presents an exciting opportunity for both new and experienced business owners. A franchise is a unique business model that differs in some key ways from independent business ownership. If you are thinking about purchasing a franchise, there are a few things to consider. Here are some ways to determine if owning a franchise is right for you, along with some considerations to help

Company Exit Strategy: Is Selling Your Business the Right Exit Strategy for You and Your Business?

While we hear a lot about starting a business, it is not every day that we hear about leaving a business. There are many reasons why people consider exiting a business; no matter the reason, it is always good to ensure that you meet your business goals and get a fair return on the sale. There are several exit strategies a business owner can choose from when they have decided the time has come to e

How to Turn Your Business into a Franchise? First determine whether your business could succeed as one

Wondering if your business is ready to be franchised? When thinking about franchising your business, there are a few key criteria to consider. Working with a franchise consultant can help you determine if: 1) you offer a superior product or service, 2) your concept is easy to share and teach, 3) your concept is easy to replicate across a diverse set of locations, and 4) your concept is not one tha

Buying an Existing Business? Advantages and Tips to Consider Before Making Your Purchase

If you are interested in running a business but do not want to go through the process of developing an idea and getting it off the ground, you might consider buying an existing business. Below are a few of the many benefits of buying an existing business along with a couple tips that potential buyers should keep in mind before making a purchase.Advantages of Buying an Existing BusinessSkip the sta

Don't Try to Sell a Business on Your Own: Why You Shouldn't Go It Alone if You Want to Maximize Value

When it's time to sell a business, some business owners might go it alone in an attempt to save the money needed for professional assistance. But selling a business alone can lead to many potential roadblocks: business owners can be distracted from their business, unable to find qualified buyers, and have trouble with proper valuation. For these reasons and more, business owners should avoid selli

From the wheel to the steam engine to computers, technology continues to evolve and shift how we live our lives. The speed and power of computers have doubled about every two years over the last 60 years, which has enabled us to go from computers to go from weighing 30 tons and taking up 1,800 square feet of space to the world’s current smallest complete, operational computer that measu